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About Taramatie Lachmenar

I am an Indo-Guyanese American born female from Massachusetts. I value integrity, accountability and transparency. My passions includes learning creative arts such as music, dance and reading. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I attended University of Massachusetts at Boston (2012) and earned my degree in Psychology. I also attended William James College (formerly known as Massachusetts School of Psychology) and earned my Master’s Degree in General Counseling (2015). I have had the pleasure of working with individuals who have experience with Anxiety Disorders, Depression disorders, as well as other forms of trauma, such as hypersexualized behavior, grieving, explosive outburst. Previously, I worked with adults who reside in long term group homes, who had experiences of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, among other diagnoses. I also have experience with In-Home therapy support children and their families and Outpatient therapy. My goal, with Illusions of Samsara, is to help your internal self match your external self with more control and awareness.


Illusions of Samsara stems from how our minds create realities that are either true or false depending how much energy we give the realities. Samsara (sum-sa-ra) is a Hindi word for reincarnation, meaning that the soul is reborn over and over again based on laws of action and reaction. The goal for life is to achieve freedom. Though this is a more of cyclic life process, my approach is using it situationally. Everyday we find ourselves in situations or conversations that leave us in a reactive state of mind. The cycle continues and repeats until we chose to do something differently. Ultimately, we want to free ourselves from the emotional state and find balance with the rational mind, allowing us to have control of our internal turmoil.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

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